
Rashtriya Seva Bharathi



India is a vast country and poverty, illiteracy is in plenty. Inspite of huge budget being allocated by the govt. on social sectors like health, education, women’s emancipation, child welfare, child labour etc. and other needs of the poor, the help does not reach the needy.

Hence, the voluntary organizations & NGOs have taken the space of complimenting & supplementing the efforts of the govt. to provide the poor & illiterate, cosy at par life with the other common masses of this county. The NGOs and Voluntary Organizations, 3 million in number are sourcing the funds from developed countries, govt. grants, corporate, individuals and trust etc.

Voluntary organizations orient, train and engage huge number of volunteers and also raise funds from benevolent in the society who contribute in a big way for the welfare of the society. Rashtriya Sewa Bharati encourages volunteering and social funding.

Even though goal is one, each NGO is functioning in their own way and style, to suit the needs in that particular area. Some are good in running the projects successfully, but lack in complying govt. regulations, audit etc. and vice versa. The mutual co-operation, consultation and understanding is lacking amongst the organizations and are competing with each other to prove one upmanship, even though there should have been complimenting atmosphere.

The organizations affiliated to Rashtriya Sewa Bharati and other likeminded organizations are running more than 1.38 Lakhs projects and programs Rashtriya Sewa Bharati was though active since 1978 was registered in 2003 with a view to co-ordinate, bring in systems and uniformity in functioning of affiliate organizations as an umbrella organization.

Encouraging and supporting the service activities of various voluntary organizations in the country and to bring them into the mainstream of national development.

To encourage mutual co-operation amongst the voluntary organizations.

To promote harmony amongst practicing different caste, religion, language, region etc., which catalyses the development activities.

To give space to voluntary organizations to develop new methods & module and to expand their activities without hindrance in developmental activities of the country.

To work as information centre and guide as regards coordination with other organizations.

Net working of voluntary organizations, improving their efficiency and to empower them.

Imparting training to affiliated organizations to run the organizations effectively and also training to field staff.
Creating awareness and alert about social, economic, legal, issue that crop up in day to day life.

Some Voluntary Organizations are concentrating mainly on single type of projects like eye care, blood bank, self help groups, etc., and who are experts in their field. RSB makes use of their experience to implement such good work in our affiliated organizations also.

Conducting study & research in this field of NGOs, their functioning and about various projects and social problems.

To evaluate, doing accreditation of voluntary organizations.
Conducting survey of social impact of the organizations.

To represent the problem faced by VOs, with the govt. of agencies to amend the rules wherever necessary.

Publishing good “informative” and highlighting the achievements of the VOs & NGOs,” publications, website, bulletins periodically.